Tech & Technique
GPT-4, Next.js, Postgressql, Prisma, Tailwind CSS
Resume Roaster is a web application designed to provide tailored resume feedback and professional writing services. Built with Next.js, PostgreSQL, Prisma, and Tailwind CSS, it integrates GPT-4 for AI-powered recommendations. The platform also includes peer-to-peer reviews with a points-based system, fostering a collaborative and engaging experience. Targeting freshers, experienced professionals, and programmers, it helps optimize resumes for job-specific success.
My Role
As the sole developer and business owner, I:
- Designed and developed the platform end-to-end using Next.js, PostgreSQL, Prisma, and Tailwind CSS.
- Integrated GPT-4 for AI-driven feedback and insights.
- Implemented complex SQL queries, including one to identify the top two resumes based on user points.